Charger mode tuning: Offline some cpu cores to charge faster
Enable zram writeback feature
Sepolicy tuning
Do not balance msm_drm and kgsl-3d0 IRQs
Use clang-r487747c for kernel compilation
Switch to fastboot custom HAL(Try “fastboot oem getprop ro.boot.project_codename” in fastbootd mode)
Clean up useless log spams
Sync gpt-utils with LA.UM.10.3.r1-01700-sdm845.0
Enable zram deduplication
Disable UFS powersaving in recovery mode (Shouldn’t it flash ROMs faster?)
update wfd system blobs from LA.QSSI.13.0.r1-05300-qssi.0 (That is wifi display feature)
Change perms to hide Magisk in banking apps
Update Telephony related stuffs (That really costs me much hardwork XD. Update system blobs from LA.QSSI.13.0.r1-08200-qssi.0 . Kang some configuration from device_qcom_common)
Radio tuning
Mark WifiOverlay as coreApp
Defer ZRAM initialization to boot_complete (This may speed up booting a bit)
Address more sepolicy denials
Remove FM Tuner from audio input devices (to fix problems with google recorder)
Zram size is again increased to 50% of total ram
Remove some unused stuff in rootdir
Update telephony blobs to LA.QSSI.13.0.r1-10000.02-qssi.0
Update CarrierConfig to LA.QSSI.13.0.r1-10000.02-qssi.0
Move to Pixel AIDL power HAL
Kang powerhint.json from crosshatch
Remove QTI perfd & I/O prefetcher
Add SchedTune configuration
Set boottime/runtime stune value
Move default.prop properties to vendor.prop
Disable ART debug and optimize dexpreopt
More power saving changes in powerhint.json
Kernel side:
Hundreds of excellent commits(from bananafunction)
MANY MANY improvements including but not limited to updated wifi drivers, updated exfat driver, updated zstd & lz4 module, zram deduplication feature, log spam & debugging feature killing, erofs backport, support to some hid devices……